July 2018 Cat and Dog Cozy Mystery Tour (plus GIVEAWAY)
Learn more about A Yen for Murder and more from our Siamese Sleuth mystery series!
Hello, mystery readers! Join us and nine other cat and dog cozy mystery authors this July as we pop into different blogs to answer questions about ourselves and our characters. If you love animals and you love cozy mysteries, this tour was designed for you! Plus, we're each giving away an ecopy of one of our books to someone who comments on one of the tour stops, so come chat with us for a chance to win. 10 authors = 10 different winners! Hope to see you next month!
Here are the authors who will be touring:
Paige Sleuth (Cozy Cat Caper Mystery series)
Meredith Potts (Daley Buzz series)
Sandi Scott (Seagrass Sweets Cozy Mysteries)
Tammy L. Grace (Cooper Harrington Detective Novels)
Alannah Rogers (Beatrice Young Cozy Cat Mysteries)
Colleen Mooney (The New Orleans Go Cup Chronicles)
Kathi Daley (Tess and Tilly Cozy Mystery series)
Sandra Baublitz (A Dog Detective series)
Claire Kane (A Siamese Sleuth Mystery series)
Alison Golden (Reverend Annabelle Dixon Cozy Mystery series)
Here are the wonderful blogs that will be featuring us:

Hello, mystery readers! Join us and nine other cat and dog cozy mystery authors this July as we pop into different blogs to answer questions about ourselves and our characters. If you love animals and you love cozy mysteries, this tour was designed for you! Plus, we're each giving away an ecopy of one of our books to someone who comments on one of the tour stops, so come chat with us for a chance to win. 10 authors = 10 different winners! Hope to see you next month!
Here are the authors who will be touring:
Paige Sleuth (Cozy Cat Caper Mystery series)
Meredith Potts (Daley Buzz series)
Sandi Scott (Seagrass Sweets Cozy Mysteries)
Tammy L. Grace (Cooper Harrington Detective Novels)
Alannah Rogers (Beatrice Young Cozy Cat Mysteries)
Colleen Mooney (The New Orleans Go Cup Chronicles)
Kathi Daley (Tess and Tilly Cozy Mystery series)
Sandra Baublitz (A Dog Detective series)
Claire Kane (A Siamese Sleuth Mystery series)
Alison Golden (Reverend Annabelle Dixon Cozy Mystery series)
Here are the wonderful blogs that will be featuring us:
July 5: Bibliophile Reviews (https://bibliophile.reviews)
July 6: Chicks on the Case (https://chicksonthecase.com)
July 9: Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows (http://www.mochasmysteriesmeows.com)
July 12: Dru's Book Musings (https://drusbookmusing.com)
July 14: Lisa Ks Book Reviews (http://lisaksbookthoughts.blogspot.com)
July 16: Brooke Blogs (http://www.brookeblogs.com)
July 18: A Cup of Tea and a Cozy Mystery (http://acupofteaandacozymystery.blogspot.ca)
July 20: MJB Reviewers (https://mjbreviewers.wordpress.com)
July 23: Thoughts in Progress (http://masoncanyon.blogspot.com)
July 25: Escape With Dollycas (https://www.escapewithdollycas.com)
July 6: Chicks on the Case (https://chicksonthecase.com)
July 9: Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows (http://www.mochasmysteriesmeows.com)
July 12: Dru's Book Musings (https://drusbookmusing.com)
July 14: Lisa Ks Book Reviews (http://lisaksbookthoughts.blogspot.com)
July 16: Brooke Blogs (http://www.brookeblogs.com)
July 18: A Cup of Tea and a Cozy Mystery (http://acupofteaandacozymystery.blogspot.ca)
July 20: MJB Reviewers (https://mjbreviewers.wordpress.com)
July 23: Thoughts in Progress (http://masoncanyon.blogspot.com)
July 25: Escape With Dollycas (https://www.escapewithdollycas.com)
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